Two years ago, a very special voice coach and angel began a project to work with senior citizens. Luh Berumen decided to inspire an older generation to put themselves out there and learn something new that comes from the heart – singing.
Physically, singing can strengthen the lungs and tones up the entire respiratory system. Using deep breaths to produce notes helps you to tone up the heart with aerobic capacity. Working with Luh, these older angels get to work out in ways they may never have by improving their posture, immune system and many more benefits that come from signing.
Emotionally, belting out the tunes can increase self-esteem and confidence. As Luh mentioned, these seniors began with little confidence and now are performing with the Explayarte singers!
“They thank me in every class, but they do more for me than what I can do for them.”
Luh Berumen
Some of these senior singers have taken off with this newfound talent, having their own songs and performing frequently. It all began when they asked Luh to help them in a contest where seniors from all over Quintana Roo were asked to perform. It was such a great experience, that the classes have now continued for two years. They have performed in Feria de Playa del Carmen, Feria Navideña, and in the contests. On June 29, they sang in the Bolero Recital at Explayarte with Luh’s other students.
Sometimes they sing together and sometimes they choose an individual song to perform. The only requirement is to have fun and enjoy singing. Some of them are feeling for the first time what singing means. Confronting their fears is easier with each class, as they do it in a group setting together.
“This experience is very special for me because, when I was a little girl, I sang in the family meetings with my aunts the songs that the senior citizens like. So, for me, it is like being with family and also it’s great that I know these trio, bolero and ranchero songs. They were surprised because I know those songs. And I enjoy their stories and knowledge. They thank me in every class, but they do more for me than what I can do for them. I feel that they are all my grandparents, now that all my grandparents are gone.” Luh explained.
This Program is in Casa del Adulto Mayor. Av 40 between 26 and 28.