Discover the secrets behind Cozumel’s sweet treats
There are many wonderful varieties of Mexican iced products in Cozumel, from sorbets and Mexican paletas, to ice lollies made with natural ingredients. I spoke to René Maranto, owner of the ice-cream parlor, Muak, to ask him what makes his ice cream so unique.
They also have some ice lollies made of peanut butter, marshmallow and cajeta. Muak is located on 30th Avenue between 7th street and Hidalgo. Find them on Facebook/@muakmx.
Another delicious ice cream and sorbet parlor is La Flor de Michoacana. Their knowledge of the production of ice cream has been passed down through the generations, which is what makes their products so special. Made in Cozumel, their ice creams are glossy in texture and taste very sweet. Their portions are very generous. Their ice cream, sorbets, ice lollies and Mexican paletas are made with seasonal fruits, and always offered with a smile. My favorite is the Mamey Sapote. La Flor de Michoacana also sells a large selection of sweet, fruity drinks made from lemon and horchata, which is made with rice, milk, vanilla, and cinnamon. You can find them on 10th Avenue, just a ten-minute walk from the ferry. They also have a shop on the other side of the island on the Carretera Transversal – km 2.8. You can find them online on Facebook/@laflordemichoacanczm.