Campeche: The Next Big Real Estate Investment in Mexico

As the state looks towards tourism, Campeche beachfront property values increase
In just a few more years this territory will be known as one of the newest international destinations for tourists, as well as a regional alternative to Quintana Roo for affluent Mexicans looking to spend a weekend at the beach.
As stated in “The Yucatán Times”, during one of the press conferences, the Secretary of Tourism of the State of Campeche, Jorge Manos Esparragoza, said “the state will be in constant development with the aim of attracting international tourists and to develop Campeche as a favorite destination for visitors from all over the world.” President Enrique Peña Nieto authorized the allocation of resources through the federal Ministry of Tourism (FONATUR).
Moreover, according to a recent report from George Washington University, “Campeche is a tourism destination with enormous potential given its rich cultural heritage and pristine natural areas”. One of them – just a 1 hour drive from the Campeche International Airport – is Sabancuy, a quaint fishing village next to the proposed development area.
Plans are already in place to develop a 12 kilometer stretch of pristine beachfront near the quaint fishing village of Sabancuy. Additional commercial and tourism construction projects are scheduled to begin after the approval of the eco-touristic master plan.
Analysts predict enormous growth in the area and booming prices, which means it’s time for action and smart investments. Properties are now available to the public. Prices for the gorgeous beachfront land are as low as you were buying in the Riviera Maya 15 to 20 years ago.
According to information from Global Property Service Group – the exclusive beachfront property representative and manager – almost 100 beachfront lots are still to be put on the market in the $36,000 to $175,000 dollar range.
Property is available for private buyers as well as professional investors. GPS Group estimates that ROI (Return on Investment) could be as much as 300% over the next 3-5 years. Besides, current investors in the project have already reported double-digit equity gains.
For smart investors, Global Property Service Group has a Fly and Buy Program with up to 2,000 dollars in refundable travel credits towards airfare, hotel and expenses. During the relaxing trip you will also experience the best seafood, beautiful beaches, lagoons, attractions, and a huge amount of important information not normally available to the public. One should not miss out on this ground floor opportunity.
To learn more please contact:
Matt VanRy
Director of Sales/ Global Property Service Group
+52 1 998 317 2048 – mobile/ WhatsApp