There are many benefits to having pets in our lives.
- Pets teach children to be conscientious, empathetic and they help nurture responsibility for others.
- Pets build confidence in shy children as they read and talk to them.
- Children who own dogs are more active and motivated to get outside and play.
- A dog encourages adults to get outside as well; if you did not have a dog you probably would not be walking around the block at ten at night.
- Children who grow up with animals in the home have fewer illnesses or allergies and develop a stronger immune system than kids without pets.
- Playing with your pet increases the levels of serotonin and dopamine in your brain; these are the feel-good chemicals that keep us happy.
- Stroking a pet lowers your blood pressure and brings about a sense of calm.
- Pets can save your life; dogs and pet rats have been known to detect disease, including cancer, in their owners. They can warn the owner of a seizure or alert their human to low blood sugar.
- Pets make you socialize; even self-conscious people will make conversation with other pet owners or strangers they meet on their walk.
- Service animals change people’s lives not only by keeping their human safe but also by providing emotional support.
- Knowing an animal is depending on them, along with the act of caring for a living creature gives people, especially the elderly, depressed or terminally ill, a purpose in life.
- Having a pet in the home alleviates the feeling of loneliness.
- The love of a pet helps people recover quicker from heartbreak or rejection.