Dating or a Serious Relationship in Playa del Carmen? Part III
A series in which Ginger explores the attitudes towards romantic relationships among members of the LGBT community of the Riviera Maya

Have you ever been in a serious relationship? How long? Weeks, months, years, decades? Well, I am the type of girl that is happy in a serious relationship. There are a million reasons why I love being committed and not too many why I like being single! Bottom line: I realized that what I love about both can be possible with someone.
A serious relationship is full of passion, surprises, happiness, experiences, compromises and devotion. Love is something to be cultivated, taken care of, enjoyed and lived to the fullest. The key to a serious relationship or any sort of relationship for that matter, is respect, trust and communication. I’m not teaching you anything new here, but sometimes we fail to remember this. The thing I enjoyed the most as a single lady was my freedom and the possibility to do what I wanted, when I wanted. This is possible even while in a relationship.
I have been in multiple, serious lesbian relationships since I was fifteen years old. I love that I can share everything with my partner and we can confide in one another. I love sleeping and waking up next to the person I love. I love that we grow together and build a future. I adore that I can be myself and she can be herself. We trust and respect each other and we communicate well.
I met a gay couple from the U.K. last weekend at Maxa Camp in Tulum. They have been together for twenty years now and married for two. They are in a monogamous relationship and it has worked perfectly all these years. They have never considered otherwise. One was celebrating his fiftieth birthday that day and both of them looked very happy and still very much in love. I find it amazing!
A lesbian couple who got together after meeting in one of my events have been enjoying their beautiful love for eight months now. One of them didn’t even want to be with anyone, but then she met her soulmate. I truly believe everyone can find love and that it can be forever. Stop looking, let life bring you to that person, and one day too you will find love.