Wellness in the Water: Activities and Benefits
There are many ways to enjoy the sea and improve wellness at the same time

We are so lucky to live next to the beautiful Caribbean Sea. I’m sure for many of us that was part of the draw to visit or move to Playa del Carmen. While the water is not always calm and crystal clear, there are still many benefits to living by the ocean.
Water Wellness Activities
An early morning or evening swim is the perfect way to start or end your day. Swimming enhances your breathing capacity and uses nearly all the muscles in your body without any impact on your joints.
Megan Banka of Diversity Diving shares her thoughts on the benefits of this much loved Playa activity: “Diving burns a lot of calories and increases your heart rate without stress on your joints. Diving feels almost meditative; you can really focus on your breath. Being immersed in nature is restorative for your mental health.”
Paddle Boarding
A full body workout that strengthens the core and improves balance, paddle boarding is a great way to enjoy the ocean and get your workout in.
Benefits of Seawater
Healthy skin
Full of minerals like magnesium, calcium and potassium, seawater can actually relieve many skin conditions while the salt also naturally treats any infections or acne-causing bacteria.
Muscle and joint relief
Magnesium in seawater helps to regulate muscle and nerve function providing relief from sore muscles and joint pain.
Improve your mood
Who doesn’t feel better after a day at the beach? Breathing in the negative ions that fill the air and grounding with the earth promote a sense of calm and awe in the brain, relaxing the nervous system and lowering stress.
Sara Jones
Spa, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert, Spa Consultant, Speaker and Founder of Spa & Wellness MexiCaribe magazine