Save Our Seas
As World Oceans Day is just around the corner, we celebrate the Caribbean Sea

It’s about time we dedicated an edition to one of the things that attracts so many of us to this part of the world – that beautiful, turquoise Caribbean Sea. Whether we simply admire it from afar, perhaps watching the sun rise over it in the morning, or we travel to its depths with tanks on our backs, it deserves to be honored for all it provides us.
As this edition demonstrates, the waters that frame our shores are a fundamental feature of life in Playa del Carmen. No matter how we choose to engage with the sea, it’s always there for us. It nourishes us with its food; it soothes, tones and strengthens our bodies; it provides employment; it transports us; it delights our eyes with hidden marine treasures; and it speaks to our souls and clears our minds with its ever-dependable, unconditional, meditative ebb and flow.
Could it say the same for us? Are we always there for it? What do we contribute to our waters?
Sadly, we’re not as generous.
Our contribution to the waters of this world is fuel emissions, oil spills, overfishing, chemical waste, and according to, 8,000,000 metric tons of plastic every year – the equivalent of a dump truck load per minute.
In anticipation of World Oceans Day (June 8), let’s start giving back. As the slogan for Playa’s long-awaited new municipal recycling programme says, “Está en tus manos” – “It’s in your hands”. The future of our oceans, and our continued enjoyment of the Caribbean Sea are indeed in our hands. According to Nicholas Mallos, Director of Trash Free Seas, “The tide of plastics entering the ocean can, indeed, be reversed.” So, what are we waiting for?
Enjoy this edition, recycle it, and then take action. Collectively, intentionally, we can make every day an Ocean Day in Playa.
Thank you to Denisse Pohls for the beautiful cover and editorial photos. If you´re in Cozumel, please join Denisse at her photo exhibition ¨Ojos del Mar¨ (Eyes of the Sea) Thursday, May 17 at 8:00 p.m. at El Palomar Restaurant.