Empty The Tanks Protest in Playa

There is a worldwide movement to end dolphins in captivity by creating a protest march in cities around the world. We spoke to Playa´s Empty The Tanks volunteer, Lorena Castro, who led the march in Playa along 5th Ave on May 7

We know dolphins are highly intelligent and social animals that depend on their social circle, including their family. These beautiful creatures are often separated from the family at a young age by the human hand and forced to live in a cement tank. The capture itself is brutal and leaves many dolphins injured or dead at the end of the day. Dolphins need to roam in the wild. They are playful creatures who spend their days hunting, eating and swimming, averaging approximately 100 miles per day. This year’s demonstration on fifth Ave. was the third year the event took place, and the second year in sync with other community demonstrations as part of Delfines en Libertad.
Lorena states this event takes place once a year. This has been by far the best for all cities in all countries, we are more united and we have a lot of communication with all the organizers around the world. There are other events to bring awareness to captive dolphins in Playa del Carmen and also in Mexico city, Huatulco and Puerto Vallarta. She is confident they are making a difference bringing awareness to people and tourists. It is reported from inside the dolphinaria that attendance is down from two years ago.
The Empty The Tanks movement is calling for an end to captive dolphins, so dolphins that are already in captivity will be moved to a sanctuary and be rehabilitated. If they are not able to survive on their own, they will live at the sanctuary, but not as entertainment and not close to humans. She adds that dolphins are always hungry. This is why they will do anything for the trainer, they are begging for food. Delfines En Libertad is a grassroots, nonprofit group, working with extremely limited funds and with a desire to see an end to animal suffering.
Follow them on Facebook/Empty the Tanks Worldwide and Facebook/Delfines En Libertad