Low Cost Activities for Kids in Playa del Carmen
A round-up of activities that are easy on the pocket to keep your youngsters occupied

It is that time of year again. It is low season so there are not a lot of tourists. The whole region feels it but life goes on. Instead of saying “no, no, no” to your children, try these low-cost activities to keep them busy.
If you want to expose your children to the arts and nature, Parque La Ceiba is a good start. Located in the Ejido, the park is a full block of nature with healthy-eating options, workshops, classes, therapies and more. Every third Saturday of the month, they have a flea market with activities all day for children. Classes there include music by Xuuxnë for voice, violin, and guitar for only $250 mxn per quincena (every two weeks). Facebook/XuuxneMusic Facebook/ParqueLaCeiba
For exercise and discipline, consider martial arts. Gracie Barra is located at the Evolve Gym on Constituyentes and Avenue 95 in the Ejido. For only $650 mxn per month for five days a week, children can learn Brazilian jiu jitsu, judo, and Muay Thai from experienced sensei. Each day from 6 pm to 7 pm, Monday to Friday they have another class teaching respect on the mats and how to channel energy creatively. Perfect for wearing them out before dinner! Facebook/GracieBarraRM
Gimnasio Aminzade allows you to pick the days that work best for you. The instructor (with over 50 years of experience) will charge you only for the classes per month you want to take. There are various classes for older and younger children. Facebook/GimnasioAminzade
Founder’s Park located at the pier for the Cozumel ferry has a playground and free shows in the evening. There are vendors all around that sell Mexican treats such as churros and fresh fruits. It’s on the beach, so there is lots of space for running and yelling.
A simple idea is to walk Fifth Avenue, although the temptation is there to spend. On Thursday evenings, however, you can enjoy Caminarte and see the artists’ work along the famous walkway. The marina in Puerto Aventuras is a more tranquil place to walk around and watch the dolphins, manatees, and sea lions.
One last idea that works great for when it’s raining is the planetarium. Sayab Planetarium in the Ejido has demonstrations, classes, workshops, and special events for celestial happenings for free or for a very low cost. Check out their Facebook page for a schedule. Facebook/Planetariodeplayadelcarmen