Good To Know
Here´s a little local tidbit. No, it isn´t a great recommendation to a secret, locals-only restaurant. It is about walking.

A lot of people aren´t aware of the bike path on 10th Avenue. Maybe some of you have even been annoyed by someone behind you on their bike incessantly ringing their bell to get by you. Well, that is because the bike path runs south on 10th from Constituyentes to Playacar on the east side of the road (closest to the sea). Please be aware when walking on 10th Avenue, you should try to walk on the sidewalk and not in the bike path lane. Walkers and riders have collided. We admit, the lane is not clearly marked as a bike path only and there are spots where walking on the sidewalk is, well, almost impossible. Just be aware that if you walk on the bike path, you should yield to cyclists.
Also, to our fellow riders, please remember, bikes are not permitted on Quinta Avenida.