Playa Seaside Rotary: Service Above Self

Service Above Self. These three little words are Rotary International’s motto, and express the organization’s dedication to this ideal. While Playa del Carmen’s Seaside Rotary, founded just four years ago, it numbers nearly 40 members, and its focus is on helping the disadvantaged children and families of the area.
The Rotary Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation that supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs, solely by voluntary contributions and has grown from an initial contribution of $26.50 USD to more than $55 million USD.
Locally, the Seaside Rotary has its annual Seaside Rotary Golf Classic, which has raised over a quarter million pesos for charities in Quintana Roo, but its most ambitious project completed to date was the purchase of almost $500,000 USD of used hospital equipment for the recently built Red Cross hospital in Playa. With the help of other Rotary clubs, so much equipment was donated that the Playa hospital was able to forward equipment to other Red Cross clinics and hospitals in Cancun, Cozumel, Tulum and other locations. Other projects have included funding a water purification system for a new school in Cristo Rey, as well as, providing grants to local charities such as El Hongo, Good Intentions and Keeping Kids In School.
Want to make a difference? Then their guiding principles might be your incentive and a great opportunity to meet a variety of people whether you are new in Playa, a visiting Rotarian or in town on vacation. Spend time with other like‐minded expats, wanting to promote businesses and friendships at their weekly meetings held every Tuesday at 12:30 in Restaurante Liverpool on 307 just south of Centro Maya.
Find out more about this ever-expanding organization at