Rising Above the Challenges

Recently selected for Hard Rock Rising´s Finals at Hard Rock Hotel Riviera Maya on June 1st, León Moreno from the León Moreno Band lets us in on how they met, what inspires their music, and why it isn’t easy getting a gig here in Playa
León Moreno is a band you may not have heard much about in Playa del Carmen but is definitely worth seeking. Their sound is unique and original, which can be a challenge in a world that loves conformity.
How long has the Leon Moreno Band been together and how did the members come together?
León Moreno: We’ve been together for a year and a half now. We three met by chance and something beyond brought us together to create music. We are composed of three members: León Moreno, lead vocal and guitar, Juan Calavera, Bass, Koko Calavera, Drums.
What type of music does your band play and what is your inspiration?
Everything we hear inspires us inevitably. We like to listen to very different types of music in different backgrounds with different soundtracks and put all of that into our music.
What have been your most successful shows here in Playa?
We’ve been playing a lot around the peninsula and touring to other states, but sadly we have found that there are very little openings for original music here in Playa. Most venues are small bars that allow only cover bands that play the same songs.
What makes you different to other bands in the area?
We think every band must be unique if they’re honest with themselves. If you make the music that´s inside your heart, no one can make something that resembles it.
Who writes your songs?
(León) I do most of the writing.
Where do you guys play here in Playa so our readers can come see you?
We’re very excited because we were selected to play at the Hard Rock Rising´s Finals at Hard Rock Hotel Riviera Maya on June 1. We’re also planning a local tour called “El Rey de las Cantinas.” We’ll release more info about it on our Facebook page Facebook/leonmorenomx.