Ciudadanos por la Cultura

Do you speak Spanish and looking for a fun cultural or volunteer opportunity? Antonio Ramos introduces us to a group of Playenses known as Ciudadanos por la Cultura (Citizens of Culture).
Culture is power. Culture is identity. Culture is who we are. It is through culture that people find common ground with others. Different artistic expressions like music, theater, dance and painting are ways of telling our history. Culture is one of the ways that societies transmit knowledge from one generation to another.
In October 2013, a group was founded in Playa del Carmen to help fill a void in the community for public cultural events. The group calls itself Ciudadanos por la Cultura (Citizens of Culture), and they meet the first Sunday of every month in a different public park to share different activities with the community. All events are free of charge.
Claudia Gonzalez plays live music while children dance and enjoy her songs. People may learn about various musical instruments and try playing them. There are also presentations about the protection of wild and domestic animals and other environmental issues. Others are drawn to the chess workshop, where anyone at any age can learn this fantastic and interesting game. Many organizations, such as El Cine Club, come and share different educational and cultural films.
This is all made possible thanks to the volunteers, who graciously share their knowledge of theater, dance, astronomy and other activities, and contribute with their time to the community by sharing their appreciation of the important role that culture plays in our society. It has been an enormous effort keeping these events going for almost three years.
If you feel like volunteering, please know that chairs, tables, and transportation are always required for every event. If you have a special talent and speak Spanish, or just want to help us set up the events, please join us and volunteer your time.
Anyone interested in volunteering or for more information call 984 120 32 74.