Pronatura: Saving The Jaguar

The jaguar is the largest cat found in the Americas and one of the most emblematic among pre-Hispanic cultures. It has represented the fierceness of the warriors, the authority of the governors, and the power of the night. But, unfortunately, it is also one of the most threatened species due to habitat destruction, illegal hunting and farming practices. Because of this, many environmental organizations have devoted resources to taking care of and protecting the jaguar.
One of those organizations is the group Pronatura, founded in Mexico City in 1981. Over the years, it has extended itself to other regions of the country, eventually reaching the Yucatan Peninsula. They have stressed the importance of saving the jaguar among their many other campaigns. Technical coordinator, Efraím Acosta Lugo talked to us about their involvement in the jaguar campaign.
He told us that eight years ago, many projects were developed in different areas: one in Tizimín, Yucatán, another in Campeche, near Calakmul, and the other in José María Morelos, in Quintana Roo.
The projects range from training and assistance of community members, support during the time of wildfires, to recommendations to authorities.
He specifically mentioned the case of the Communication and Transport Minister (SCT), to whom he had recommended placing crossing zones for the jaguars in highways.
However, he recognized that although the organization has not arrived in Playa del Carmen, they are aware of the growth happening in this region and the subsequent problems that have arisen, like the disruption of jaguar habitat. He believes more work should be done in bringing awareness to young people and children about the jaguars to protect the magnificent species. He also believes that companies should do more to reduce their impact on jaguars, and join in the important work of saving this feline.
For more information about Pronatura, visit or Facebook/Pronatura.