Archeological Site Charges

If you are planning to visit any of the archeological sites in Quintana Roo and want to take video with your cell, camera, or tablet, be prepared to pay an additional fee of 45 pesos. Access with the devices is not restricted, but visitors are asked if they wish to take videos. If you respond affirmatively, you will need to make one payment, it doesn’t matter how many cameras you wish to use.
Adriana Velázquez Morlet, director of Centro INAH Quintana Roo, indicated that if the tourist doesn’t wish to record videos, they can still enter with their electronic device. This measure is an adjustment to the new technologies that people have at their disposal, which is an update from the “permission to use a videocamera” which was authorized by the tax authorities (Hacienda) for the INAH 25 years ago.