Touring Properties like a Pro

Prepare in advance to make touring properties an enjoyable experience. Follow these tips for before, during and after the tour, and make the most out of your day!
Looking for a home is exciting, but also exhausting especially if you have a limited time to see as many properties as possible. But you can enjoy it and tour like a pro! Here’s how.
Before the tour
Take your time. You are touring properties, so give it all of your attention. Allow as much time as possible, and be realistic about the number of properties that you can see during that time.
Go with your agent. Let them do all the research, calls, and appointments, and always show up together. Your agent is your right hand in this process, let them do their work and share their knowledge with you.
Dress for the occasion. It’s ok to look nice, just make sure to do it with comfortable shoes and clothes that keep you cool and protected from the sun, don’t forget a hat and sun block. Also, bring some water and snacks to keep you energized throughout the day.
During the tour
Be curious. Don’t miss a potential problem because you didn’t take the time to look around. That’s the purpose of touring a property! So open doors, drawers, and cabinets and check out every room and bathroom. If the house is rented, ask permission first!
Hold your tongue. There’s nothing wrong with not liking a place, but you don’t need to express your ideas right there. You don’t want to offend the owner and lose the property if you change your mind later.
See beyond. The wall colors or the decorations might be hideous, but that can be fixed! Look beyond that and evaluate the properties considering important factors, such as price, location, and rental potential.
Wrapping up the day
Talk to your agent. Be honest about what you did and didn’t like about the properties. You won’t offend them if you don´t like a home, and your feedback will be valuable for them to refine their search.
Be proactive. Feel free to suggest other properties, and share ideas. If you found your dream home, have your agent prepare the offer for you… and get ready to purchase your dream home in Mexico!
Book a Tour!