Support a new movement, Sin Popote, a simple step that can lead to a lifetime of changing how we use plastics
A relatively new movement is underway to reduce or eliminate the use of plastic, take out packaging, straws, water bottles, household plastics and any other single-use plastic. Heather and Estrella from No Mas Plastik (No More Plastic) are working fiercely with the government, Greenpeace, scientists and other environmentalists to try to find solutions for the damage we are causing the oceans.
Education is critical, informing people of the damage caused by the way we deal with waste without casting blame. Heather is presenting a proposal to Chedraui, suggesting eco-changes, bulk food packaging, no plastic and meeting with restaurant owners to offer compostable containers and straws. They also have plans to reach out to schools to educate children on environmental living.
The goal is to create awareness and find solutions for the food and beverage industry, including hotels. One beach club in Playa reports throwing away one hundred thousand plastic cups a month! Imagine the amount of plastic that reaches our sea, drinking water, and the bellies of all living creatures.
How can you help?
- Get involved, No Mas Plastik desperately needs volunteers, for events, presentations and social media.
- Do a two-week challenge, do not purchase any groceries in plastic packaging and use cloth bags. Not only will you help the environment, but you will be eating better.
- Buy local products.
- Choose cans over glass, they are 100% recycled here in Mexico.
For more information Facebook/No Mas Plastik.