Meet this talented Argentinian with music in his blood
Franco Achinelli is an Argentinian musician with generations of musicians in his family. I spoke with him to find out more about his passion and talent for music.
The Playa Times: How long have you been studying music and how did you start?
Franco: My parents, grandpa, uncles, and brothers are musicians. Not at the professional level, though. We carry the music in our blood. I am a singer, but I also play guitar (not much).
What was the first musical experience that inspired you to take this path?
My mentor was my brother. He is a drummer and when I was very young, I heard him play with his band.
Who writes the songs and what inspires them?
I write them and some were written together with friends at different times of my life.
You have a musical name. What is the meaning of the name?
They know me by “Achy,” which is derived from my last name “Achinelli”. I have a band project called “Xaman”, which means “man of knowledge”.
How long has Xaman been together and how did the members meet to make such a good combination?
We met about six months ago through a Facebook publication. A guitarist was looking for a singer. One night I went to listen to his band play in Playacar and the next day we were playing together at a hotel in Playa del Carmen.
What have been your most successful concerts here in Playa del Carmen?
Our New Year´s show at the Grand Hyatt Hotel was one. In February, we will be presenting the band in the Teatro de La Ciudad at an event in conjunction with the Puente Foundation (Italy) for the Nobel Peace Prize to be delivered in Colombia.
Where do you play here in Playa del Carmen?
- Grand Hyatt Hotel (First Avenue and 26th Street) Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 pm to 10:30 pm
ue between Eighth and 10th Street) Saturday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
- Find out more about Franco and Xaman on his Facebook fan pages: Facebook/achymusic Salciccium Class (Fifth Avenue between 26th and 28th Street) Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
- Fah Bar (Fifth Aven