Ask Allan: Changes to CFE Meters Heating Things Up

Allan responds to a question about the recent changes to digital meters by CFE that coincide with a rate increase across Mexico
Hey, Allan
I’ve heard that the new electric meters being installed by CFE will mean an increase in my rate. Is this true or not? Marjorie
Thanks for your question, Marjorie. Well, the answer is technically no, but yes, you will see an increase. In March of this year, CFE conveniently increased their rates in all of Mexico 13.3-17.2%. This was a nationwide increase which is not related to the change of meters in Quintana Roo. Considering that Playa del Carmen pays some of the highest rates in all of Mexico, this is certainly not a welcome change.
In terms of the new digital meters, CFE began installing in March of this year in Quintana Roo. CFE superintendent, Gabriel Baqueiro Meza, maintains the new digital meters will not increase the rate you are paying for power. The meters are going to be replaced at no charge to the consumer, but CFE maintains these meters are official property of CFE. That being said, we had one client whose new meter was not working – and which we reported to CFE on various occasions. Instead of fixing it, they just estimated the consumption to be around $2,000 pesos for 2 months … in a unit that was not occupied! The meter kept reading all zeros until we finally pressured CFE to change the meter.
As consumers you need to be vigilant and monitor your meter and consumption and verify that against your bill. So, the short answer is yes, your rate increased but it’s not related to the change of the meters.
Editor´s Note: We spoke with PROFECO, Mexico´s Consumer Protection Agency, and they advised that if you have a complaint regarding CFE, you should file it with them immediately. You will need to bring the original and two copies of your official ID and a letter of complaint outlining the issue. It should include the full name and address of the company you are filing a complaint against. You should also bring originals and copies of your bills showing the increase. If the bills are not in your name, you will need a notarized letter from the person on the bill that declares you have their permission to file a complaint. PROFECO are located on Calle 10 between 20 and 25 (across from the Palacio Municipal near Oxxo) and we were assured they have staff that speaks English.