BPA Cleanse

How to cleanse this harmful chemical substance from your body and minimize your intake of it

Unfortunately, plastic has become a part of everyday life and it’s nearly impossible to completely avoid it. As one of the most common methods of packaging food, it comes into contact with much of what we eat, depending on our diet.

BPA is an endocrine disruptor linked to obesity, cancers, brain impairment, reproductive system anomalies and ADHD-like symptoms. By eliminating it from your daily food intake as much as possible and cleansing it from your system, you can prevent many health complications.

Avoid BPA

Cleanse BPA from the body


Kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, and kefir are all good sources of natural probiotics that you can include in your diet. If you prefer, take refrigerated probiotic tablets each day. Probiotics have been shown to cleanse BPA from blood where it is then excreted via the bowels. They also strengthen the gut to help the body break down these compounds.


Induced sweating is a great elimination method for cleansing BPA from the body. Increase your exercise level, relax in a sauna, or take a walk on the beach during the day.

Black Tea

Drinking black tea has been found to reduce the toxicity of BPA, among many other health benefits. This works well for me!

Sara Jones

Spa, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert, Spa Consultant and Founder of Spa & Wellness Mexico magazine



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