Dogs want you to share your food, but it is not always a healthy choice and in some cases, it can be fatal for them
All dog owners know the feeling of someone watching you eat and how difficult it is to say no to those big sad eyes staring up at you as you take a bite of something delicious. There are toxic foods that we innocently share with our best canine friend, we have compiled a list of food items to avoid sharing. Many of these items in small quantities may only cause diarrhea or vomiting, but some may be fatal.
- You may think it is not a big deal to share a beer with your dog, but it could turn deadly. Dogs have a small liver and can not process alcohol, causing irreversible effects to their organs. The ASPCA Poison Control Center warns not only will your dog probably vomit and have diarrhea, but it may cause central nervous system damage, difficulty breathing coma and possible death.
- Onions are one of the most dangerous items with the potential to damage red blood cells.
- Caffeine, would you want your dog to be more hyper? Do not allow pets to ingest pop, tea or coffee, coffee grounds or diet pills. Poisoning includes elevated heart rate, trembling and troubled breathing.
- Chocolate can be deadly; it affects the central nervous system, causes hyperactivity, rapid heart rate, vomiting and diarrhea and in some cases death.
- Dairy products cause diarrhea and other gastrointestinal issues
- Raw meat, bones, and eggs may contain bacteria Salmonella or E. Coli. Bones may splinter in the digestive tract.
- Grapes including raisins are one of the most dangerous fruits, may cause kidney failure.
- Artificial sweeteners are harmful to all animals, danger of liver failure.
- As with humans, dogs with inflammation should avoid nightshade fruits and vegetables.
Typically avocados are included in the list of dangerous foods, but recent reports show that avocado fruit is not the problem, the pit, leaves, and skin may cause upset stomach, according to ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center.