Learn more about the Fab Lab Team and their work, in this second installment
Fab Lab Maya Team
Fab Lab Maya projects and workshops.
One of the best known is Luis Fernando’s low-cost irrigation system for houses and greenhouses. His effort was the project winner of Expociencias 2016. Now he’s going to the international phase, which takes place in August in Fortaleza, Brazil.
On March 31, Academia Artesanal will be held in conjunction with the Cancun organization Identidades Comunidad. It’s a seven-month workshop aiming to train 40 craftsmen to apply digital manufacturing technology to improve their products’ final presentation and standardization.
We also offer weekly workshops: 3D impression, laser cutting, digital embroidery, basic Arduino, etc.
We offer a workshop called Maker Kids, where we introduce 8 to 12-year olds to digital manufacturing, so they learn how to use these machines and start solving local problems through their own creativity. People are confident approaching us to develop their ideas and projects. It was complicated at first because it’s a new and complex subject, but they have gradually understood, and they are very interested now, especially in matters of innovation. The response from the community has been positive.
Working with Fab Lab Maya
The Maker movement will allow us to create an entrepreneurial community in science, technology, and innovation. Our facilities are a little far from main cities, but that should not impede co-working; our tools allow us to share information in real time. If you have a great idea but cannot develop it or is very complex in manufacturing matters, do not hesitate to contact us. We are always willing to help!