The Perfect Gift for Living Abroad – Part 1

A Love Story Set in Nuevo Vallarta
I know what the perfect gift is. The reason is because I received it myself, but before I tell you what it is you need to know a little bit more about me.
Almost two years ago, I met the woman of my dreams! Good news but with her being Mexican and me being Dutch it complicates matters. After traveling back and forth numerous times a decision had to be made. Would she move to Holland or would I go to Mexico?
Being a very rational person I talked about this decision with her, my parents, my brothers and friends. I made a list of pros and cons, thinking about how to manage our finances and what to do about work and family. Before I tell you what the decision was, I will talk about how we celebrate Christmas in Holland, and about receiving my gift.
In our family we celebrate Christmas by having everyone write their name on pieces of paper, which we then distribute randomly among us. You need to buy, draw or create a gift for the person whose name you receive, with an explanation and a personal touch that shows your affection for that person.
My secret Santa turned out to be my brother, who gave me five envelopes with pictures on the front. He told me this: “Frank, we talked about your move to Mexico. From a rational point of view we looked at all the angles and made the decision accordingly. What you are forgetting, however, is the romantic part. You are moving to a country over 9000 kilometers away for the love of your life. Each of these envelopes contains Mexican pesos and symbolizes a date. When you are in Nuevo Vallarta, you are going to take your girlfriend to the places I found and live this romantic story. Enjoy each other and feel great that you overcame everything to be together.”
Would you like to hear more about the different dates my brother selected for us and how they went? Join me next time as I continue with the rest of the story.