I recently found an inspiring and powerful woman that lives near me. She has been around the world and experienced many cultures. Her name is Paula Liebe, and is known as the “Dutch Diva.” She has seen life’s ups and downs and states that her desire is to wake people up with her new book.
The Playa Times: Where are you originally from and how did you find yourself in Playa del Carmen? How long have you been here?
Paula: I’m originally from the Netherlands. I moved to Playa del Carmen 17 years ago after I received a vision about starting a spiritual center in PdC during a shamanic ceremony drinking Ayahuasca. I gave up my corporate career, sold everything I had, bought a new wardrobe, and moved to Playa before ever seeing the place.
You recently wrote a book, what is it called and what inspired you to write it?
Paula: It’s called The Queen’s Manifestation, memoirs of a lightworker. This is the fourth installment of the Queen’s Saga. The inspiration to write my books is that I have a story to share and an important message to deliver.
What is your book about?
My books are about my life. How I survived childhood trauma through yoga and shamanic ceremonies. How I traveled the world and discovered many cultures and religions, which I describe. How I found my soul mate, my childhood sweetheart. And, most importantly, about the historic and current visitations by highly advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.
Who do you feel is the audience for your book?
My audience has been a large variety of different people. Many young people, but I can count many older gentlemen among my fans. Maybe that’s because I talk very freely about my sexual life and my past as a high-class escort. But they have all expressed a fascination with the woman called Paula Liebe; a woman of the world.
What do you want to convey to your readers through your book?
The best revenge to an extremely difficult upbringing: living a happy life. And in my last book, I want to wake my audience up to the existence of Secret Space Programs, extraterrestrial technology, and the ongoing war with the Khazarian mafia, aka the Rothschilds, the ones preventing us from knowing our true galactic history and origins.
What do you want your readers to remember most about your book?
That I’ve woken them up. Awake about who we really are, where we really come and why we are here on this planet.
How is writing a book different from your past ventures?
My past and current ventures in Playa include running an ongoing property management company called Star Condos, developing myself as a yoga teacher and producing a professional yoga DVD (which you can find on my Youtube channel), training myself to be an opera singer and singing every Friday on my stage with several other local talents, and starting a restaurant called El Jardin, two years ago. Writing is a solitary occupation, as is a daily voice practice, but all the other ventures have been very social occupations.
What do you do on a day-to-day basis?
In the morning I practice yoga, meditate and care for my rooftop garden. From Monday to Friday my husband and I run our restaurant, El Jardin. During that time I read many alternative news websites, to gain more research for my next book and my monthly blog, called Dutch Diva in Mexico. After the restaurant closes I practice my voice, take ukulele classes, tap dance classes, and juggling classes. In the weekend I read, write, and study new repertoire for our Friday Cabaret show called ‘Noche de Divas’.
What is the hardest part about moving here?
There wasn’t. It was the easiest thing I ever did.
What has been the most fun of starting this venture?
Which one?
The book: It’s simply very hard work and many, many lonely hours behind the computer while everybody is at the beach. But when it’s finally done, and you have the actual book in your hands, that’s a great feeling of accomplishment.
El Jardin: A sold out restaurant on Friday evening with 5 or 6 other local Playa talents, singing and dancing and performing.
Learn more about Paula on her website www.paulaliebe.com and Facebook/Paula Liebe – Dutch Diva in Mexico.