I went to visit Coach/Sensei Blanca Torres who is a Black Belt 2nd Dan in Karate. Blanca explained that this activity is not only an excellent physical exercise, but it also mentally and emotionally prepares the student, increasing strength, self-esteem, tranquility, balance and discipline. The students are taught not to be violent, but to react in a safe way when facing a situation that takes them to the limit.
“Students will learn to free themselves of strangulation, blocking attacks, forms of submission, kicking, pressure points and blows,” she told me. “But above all, they will have fun doing something that they never believed capable of achieving.”
Karate also relieves stress and anxiety, while making the body stronger. You feel good and end up leading a healthy and calm life. And this activity can be practiced by people of any age.
The INAM Club is located at Avenue 30 between Calle 7 Sur and Hidalgo. The schedule is Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Thursday from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. Phone: 9871127260
You can also find them on Facebook/InamCozumel