Paty Vargas

Meet the systems engineer from Mexico City

Your full name:

My full name is Martha Patricia Vargas Hernandez

Where are you from?

I was born in Mexico City and all my life lived in that beautiful city until I arrived on October 4 of 2000 in Playa del Carmen.

Why did you move to Playa del Carmen?

I came to work at the Calica mine, in the technological area.

What do you do for work?

My main activity in my job is to improve the processing of information, and management of the efforts in developing systems and technological infrastructure. Playa has been the opportunity to mix natural beauty, work and quality of life.

I am so proud of what we can contribute as Mexicans to Mexico and the world.

Paty Vargas

What brings you the most pride as a Mexican?

Throughout my professional career as a Mexican engineer of technology, formed academically and professionally in Mexico, I have had the opportunity to work with many engineers from other countries. Each day I am so proud of what we can contribute as Mexicans to Mexico, and the world, in every job.  In fact, it makes me happy that Mexico produces so much creativity, ability to solve problems, solidarity in cases of adversity, and great strength of spirit born from the family, in each Mexican person. This allows us to leave our footprint in every project.

What would you like the rest of the world to know about Mexico?

Each Mexican generation leaves a mark in the heart of foreigners; you can recognize it in the aroma of our food, in our history, in our dances, in our helping hands, and in every pair of Mexican eyes, and know that divinity has touched you.


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