DIY Wellness: Foot Massage

Self-care doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg - or a foot! Try doing it yourself and enjoy a massage at home

Most people love a great foot massage. I know I do! Of course you can always book in at your favorite salon or spa or ask your partner for a foot massage, but the other option that’s always available is to perform one on yourself. Yes, that does mean you have to do the work as well as receive the enjoyment, however it can still be enjoyable.

The nervous system connects the entire body and the feet are home to around 15000 nerve endings. The theory of reflexology proposes that the soles of the feet have areas representing parts of the body and that applying pressure to these areas affects the corresponding areas of the body. Don’t be surprised if a foot massage leaves you feeling the benefits over your entire body.

Here are some simple, but stimulating massage movements you can perform on your own feet:

Adapt this foot massage any way that feels right to you and enjoy the benefits of healthy, happy feet.


Sara Jones

Spa, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert, Spa Consultant and Founder of Spa & Wellness MexiCaribe magazine

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