It’s the Nightlife Edition!
Playa del Carmen and its surroundings have a strong reputation worldwide for a buzzing nightlife. After all, tourist destinations need to satisfy their customers both night and day. Residents can also enjoy the fruits of the tourist-attracting efforts at our international restaurants, famous clubs and ever-diverse bar scene, not to mention events like the hugely successful Riviera Maya Jazz Festival. (We hope you got a chance to check it out last weekend.) As we draw closer to the holiday season and enter the dusk of 2017, we’ve taken a look at where to go and what to do on a night out on the the town.
Of course, nocturnal activities aren’t limited to local venues; sometimes the best evening entertainment can be had at home. Our fantastic climate here makes it easy to gather friends and family around for a garden party, rooftop rendez-vous or barbeque. Bring your own booze, contribute a dish and play a personal playlist for an easy night of socializing. In TPT Foodies this edition, Catherine and Lily provide recipes for appetizers and drinks for such occasions. They’re sure to come in handy over the next few festive weeks. If you end up overdoing it, then flick over to our Health pages for some advice from Sara on rapid recovery.
However, while we all enjoy letting our hair down, there’s a lot more to nightlife than partying, and without fail, Playa serves up a host of activities for all the family to enjoy after dinner. Many of the facilities we enjoy during the day also open their doors at night. Sample some art and culture with Alejandra on page 9 and read Crystal’s recommendations for keeping the kids occupied on page 8. We have to admit, it’s hard to get bored in this town!
If, after all that, a quiet night in is on the cards, then put your feet up and settle down with The Playa Times to read about nightlife of an entirely different species. From our nearby jungle friends to the nocturnal creatures of the sea, you may be surprised at how much goes on after dark in our animal kingdom.
Enjoy the edition, and goodnight!