Why You Should Get a CURP
Find out why having this identification number is a good idea if you are a temporary or permanent resident in Mexico

When you’re living in Mexico, there are a few documents that you can and should obtain in order to make your life easier. One of these official papers is the CURP, which you can get even if you are not a Mexican citizen, as long as you have a temporary or permanent resident visa.
A CURP, which stands for “Clave Única de Registro de Población” (Unique Population Registry Code) is assigned to every Mexican citizen and also to temporary or permanent residents in Mexico. This identification number is similar to what people in the US know as their Social Security Number, and is composed of 18 characters in a unique combination which cannot be duplicated.
If you’re staying in Mexico long term, either for work or retirement, at some point you will need to provide your CURP, because this ID number is required for different services.
If you want to sign up for Mexican social security, for example, get a Mexican driver’s license, or file Mexican taxes, among other services, you will need a CURP.
Also, if you’re retired and living in Mexico, a CURP is a requirement to get your INAPAM card, a special ID for people older than 60, which offers discounts for several services nationwide, such as discounts on bus and plane tickets, cultural events and museum entries, discounts in restaurants, pharmacies and on some medical services.
If you’re interested, the process to get a CURP is easy, free and it will not take too much time.
To get it you must go to the Instituto Nacional de Migración (immigration) with these documents:
- Passport (original and a copy)
- Residence card (original and a copy)
- A letter of intent (CURP request letter)
Bring these to the immigration office in Playa del Carmen, Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. only.
Yes, it’s just one hour, but it’s worth getting organized to get your CURP and start enjoying the benefits of having this ID. So, go to the closest immigration office and get it now.
Check out a sample of the letter of intent here: topmre.com/getcurp