Writing about the food brings my thoughts to an unbelievable chocolate lava-like cake I had there surrounded by a sugar-spun blue globe, lit from underneath, and a table laden with tapas including an artichoke dip with tiny, airy, doughy puffs. Cocina de autor is how a lot of restaurants describe their innovative and sometimes molecular menu these days, but I call it amazing.
Whether you visit San Jose del Cabo with the classic, authentic feel of old Mexico or the hipper, South Beach-esque Cabo San Lucas, scuba aficionados should also make a side trip to Cabo Pulmo. I still get goosebumps, not from the chilly waters, but from the variety of underwater species. Where is an underwater camera when you need it?
A trip to their beach, as the sun set, revealed a dozen lounge chairs, a fire pit, 18 massage therapists and individual grape-crushing vats – á la I Love Lucy. We squished grapes then received a foot massage, whilst tasting three Mexican wines matched with little bites. Listening to the sommelier’s descriptions, I thought life couldn’t get any better than this, until I received a scalp rub and another glass of wine. This aptly named Barefoot Elegance shall be repeated by me the next time I visit.