Each new year brings a time of hope and aspiration, reflection and review. Whatever your tradition or customs in the new year we can all benefit from a detox. Maybe this year it’s time for a detox of a different kind?
Are you glued to a screen for a large portion of the day?
Do you check it last thing at night and first thing in the morning?
Do you take it out while at a restaurant just to see if any messages have come in?
I am by no means innocent of these offences. However, after forgetting my phone on a recent weeklong conference in the US (I blame the 6 a.m. flight and 3 a.m. wake up), I endured an involuntary, enforced digital detox. I went to bed without worrying about messages, I checked email only on my laptop and when I made dinner plans, I just showed up on time and so did everyone else. It can be done!
How to start your digital Detox
- Set your limit
Give yourself a limit of how much time per day you will spend on devices.
- Get a cellphone sleeping bag
First presented to me at a wellness retreat, a cellphone sleeping bag is a cute way to get into the habit of putting your device away for the night…the whole night…you can do it!
- Develop your morning ritual
Don’t check your phone first thing in the morning. Create your morning ritual, whatever that may be, and only check your phone once completed.
- Share your practice
Tell your friends and family what you are doing and encourage them to do the same, or at least to support you. For example, start by making mealtimes device-free zones.
Sara Jones
Spa, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert, Spa Consultant, Speaker and
Founder of Spa & Wellness MexiCaribe magazine