To celebrate Mother’s Day on May 10, I wanted to celebrate this woman, Earth Lande. She is a certified doula and trainer who helps women transition to motherhood. She has a zest for life that relates directly to her helping bring life into the world. Who better to help a woman throughout her pregnancy and birth?
The Playa Times: Where are you originally from and how did you find yourself in Playa? How long have you been here?
Earth: I was born in New York and moved to California in 1977. In 2008 I moved from San Francisco to Playa del Carmen with two very young daughters and their dad.
What is your gift and how did you find this passion?
A gift I hold dear is that I connect well with people of diverse backgrounds, especially women. I am passionate about empowering women to achieve their highest calling in pregnancy, sexuality, birth, mama-life and relationships. I found my passion by following what excites me and after 17 years of empowering women, this work stills thrills me.
As you are so tied to this gift of motherhood, how would you like Mother’s Day to be celebrated?
With good humor I will say one day a year is not nearly enough time to celebrate the beauty and power of motherhood. It would be better if every full moon all mothers were free of children and family duties. It is day to meditate on the meaning of mother, including Mother Nature. Mothering is good and significant work done by women deserves to be recognized as such.
To celebrate our international issue, how would you say your work or passion helps the diversity of this area?
I love how Playa del Carmen has evolved into hosting a diverse population, with a full spectrum of lifestyle choices. For women, this includes where to give birth. I attract mama-clients from all over the world who want a water birth at home with a midwife and doula. I love being a birth doula and bringing my unique spark to birth choices, if pregnant in Playa.
What are your hopes for the future for mothers-to-be here in the Riviera Maya?
As a birth doula and home-birth mother, I want women to trust in the wisdom of their bodies to tap into the power of pregnancy and birth, to consider a natural birth at home with a midwife and doula. Have confidence and trust your body. Surrender to the undeniable reality that birth works, your baby knows what to do and YOU are ready!
How will you celebrate Mother’s Day?
Celebrating Women! Teaching “GOOD BIRTH KEEPER, the best sex and birth workshop like, ever!” We consider all things birth, sexuality, pregnancy, love, power, and becoming a certified birth-doula, May 10-13 in Playa
For more info visit www.myearthpower.com or pregnantinplaya@gmail.com