If you have been in Playa del Carmen for some time, I am sure you know the name Antonio Ramos. He is one of Playa’s angels. He has been helping the underprivileged children of Playa and local communities for years. Here we learned more about this generous man with a big heart.
Playa Times: Where are you from originally?
Antonio: I am from Cardenas, Tabasco.
When and why did you come to Playa?
Around 19 years ago. I moved for its beauty and tranquility.
What is your background?
I am a former deck officer; I graduated in Naval Sciences from the university in Veracruz. Once in Playa, I started to look for volunteer opportunities and I did volunteer for environmental causes. Then I moved into the human field helping children with health problems, and with education.
What do you do in Playa?
Recently, I joined some friends in their business to do tours around the Maya world. Although I mostly work for the benefit of children from Maya communities, I am also focused on health issues, such as heart surgeries, cancer and other health issues of children from Playa and elsewhere, like the states of Yucatan, Campeche, Chiapas, and Tabasco, among others. I am also fighting against the government to make sure they are transparent and do their work to support these children.
How do you feel you positively contribute as a man to Playa?
Transparency and accountability from the government is one of my goals. I am doing my best to help those disadvantaged who are not being taking care of, and making some proposals to improve services in education and health.
What are your positive and negative experiences as a man/father in Playa?
Positive! Many times, after heart surgery, children ask for me. We become very attached during the process. I have no children, and when they call me “Dad”, I end up in tears. When I go to Maya communities, you can hear the chorus of children calling out my name.
I hate the negative side, but here I am. A few parents sometimes lie about the money that is allocated to their children and use it for themselves.
What are your hopes for the future for Playa?
My hopes are not only for Playa, but for the rest of my country. I really hope for higher quality in education and health. We all deserve the same opportunities.
Father’s Day is on June 17 – What message do you have for the fathers and sons reading today?
Be the father of not only your child, but to the rest also. Teach them, help them, and play with them. As a father of hundreds, I can tell your positive actions make a big impact on them.
To contact Antonio to support his local projects, write or call tonyramosmex@yahoo.com or 984-120-3274