VegEnero – Vegan for a Month
Last year Sara went vegetarian for a month; this year she’s tried a vegan diet in January

In January 2017 I went vegetarian for a month. This year I decided to give myself a slightly more difficult challenge: I went vegan for a month! Never before have I removed eggs and cheese from my diet, but I was interested to see the effects, and I like a challenge!
Here are some of the benefits of eating a plant-based diet:
Increased fruit and vegetable intake
You will naturally eat more fruits and vegetables making your diet higher in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Weight loss / fat reduction
While this wasn’t my goal, eating a plant-based diet for 30 days has definitely had a noticeable effect on my waistline.
Better digestion
With the absence of heavy meat and dairy products and the natural increase in fiber the digestive tract functions optimally.
Playa del Carmen now has plenty of options for vegans, and while it can be a challenge finding items to order when your friends want to go to a steakhouse or an Italian restaurant, the choice of vegan cuisine has definitely improved in recent years.
Here are a few restaurants to try out:
The Pitted Date – now in a new, bigger location on CTM close the beach, The Pitted Date has an excellent all-day breakfast menu.
La Senda – located at 10 and 10, La Senda has a full vegan menu including some great vegan burgers.
Clorofila – opposite DAC on 30th Avenue and 20th Street, Clorofila makes a fantastic spicy spiral vegetable ‘pasta’ dish and healthy vegan pizza.
Bio-Organicos Store & Restaurant – this local favorite on 26th between Fifth and Tenth Avenue has an excellent selection of smoothies and juices with superfoods, along with delicious salads and Mexican favorites adapted for vegans.
Bio Natural Store & Restaurant – choose from two locations on 16th with 10th and La Quinta with 42nd Street. Be sure to try one of their delicious pita wraps.
Could you go vegan for a month? Set yourself a challenge, enjoy the health benefits and reduce your impact on the environment!
Sara Jones
Spa, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert, Spa Consultant, Speaker and Founder of Spa & Wellness MexiCaribe magazine