Celebrating Life and Death

By the time you read this, Halloween will be over, and hopefully so will my hangover. Although Halloween is not traditionally celebrated in Mexico, Playa del Carmen has adopted the holiday with open arms. My favorite thing to do is to start at the north end of 5th Avenue and head south, bar hopping along the way. It´s a big party all the way down with amazing costumes and people watching. The local kids learned very quickly that tourists will give them candy on Halloween. Some start a bit early (like a week), walking up to people in their costumes, looking for their treats. They always seem pleasantly surprised that a perfect stranger hands them goodies. This year should be no different and here’s to hoping the rain will hold off so they can collect their bounty!
In this edition, we chose to continue with a few articles on los días de los muertos which is a holiday traditionally celebrate in Mexico and throughout Latin America. I love the idea of celebrating the life and not fearing death through the traditions of los días de los muertos. Learn more in our Art & Culture section.
Don’t forget to check out our article ¨Calling All Divers¨ where Florencia reminds all SCUBA divers that they can help support spotted eagle ray research by photographing these beautiful creatures. On the same page, Vanessa introduces us to Cozumel´s Punta Sur. This beautiful park is located on the south end of Cozumel and you discover incredible wildlife while exploring its mangroves or snorkeling its coral reefs. Make sure to check out our Discover Mexico section to learn more.
We also have a bunch of articles that didn´t make it into the paper but you can find online at www.theplayatimes.com – including the Mayakoba Street Food and Beer fest, Latin Dance, and another interview regarding beach erosion in Playa.
If you went out and celebrated on Halloween, send us your pictures or tag us on instagram #theplayatimes and I will be sure to share my pictures, too!