Why Do Today What You Could Put Off Until Mañana?

We love to discover new places at The Playa Times. Yeah, we know what you are thinking. Bacalar isn’t new! It has been around for a really, really long time and maybe you have even gone once or twice or ten times. But some of us belong to the mañana club. “We’ll go there mañana”… “I’ll pay you mañana”…“I’ll learn Spanish mañana”. This club is especially popular here in Mexico, and some foreign residents of the Riviera Maya have settled in nicely, putting off until tomorrow what we should have done, well, a long time ago. Visiting places, like Bacalar, is one of those things many of you may have put off until mañana. We know, we know. It seems so far. You’re not sure what to do and where will you stay? Don’t worry, not only did we tell you why you should go to Bacalar, we gave you some ideas on what to do and where to stay once you get there. It is an easy drive south on the federal highway. If you don’t feel like driving, ADO can get you there. If you do feel like driving, just make sure you fill your tank because there are some long stretches of highway without any Pemex stations.
Speaking of places you should check out sooner rather than later, check out Catherine’s recommendations for some day trips on page 8 of our Beach Life section. After a long day of exploring, do you love to sit down with a cool, refreshing cocktail? Then, you should really check out Sara’s recommendations for mojitos in TPT Foodies on page 18.
It isn’t all fun and games here in paradise. We have some serious stuff to talk about. In our News in Brief section on pages 4 and 5, we cover everything from marijuana to monkeys and taxi complaints to garbage pickup. Finally, in our Health section, we give you the low down on what the state and local governments are doing to help control the mosquito population to reduce the risk of the zika virus. What do you think? Legitimate concern that should be taken seriously or overblown media hype? Let us know on our Facebook page – The Playa Times.
Oh, and if you do make it down to Bacalar, post some pictures to our Instagram page. We’ll definitely take a look at them…mañan