Papadiablo Full Moon Party

This monthly event honors Playa’s past as a beach village
A full moon occurs when the Earth is aligned directly between the sun and the moon, and the sun almost completely illuminates the moon’s hemisphere. The first Full Moon Party, on the other hand, was held on the island of Ko Pha Ngan in Thailand back in 1985. It was thrown to give thanks to the twenty to thirty travelers who were staying at Paradise Bungalows on the beach.
In Playa del Carmen, we are gifted with the Papadiablo Full Moon Party at Canibal Royal every month. It was born on the Caribbean Sea on April 22, 2016, after a talk between friends that have long lived in Playa del Carmen. It was based on their nostalgia for the way that the village of Playa used to be, with parties on the shore, lit by the moon. This motivated them to revive that tradition and create an event with supernatural energy and magical dance. Canibal Royal was the ideal place to throw a party like this.
“We bring together all those people who lived in Playa at a different time or those who don’t come out so much,” says Alberto Martinez, one of the organizers. “We want to achieve a friendly, warm and cheerful atmosphere at least once a month. Let’s just say, it’s a way to remember what Playa used to be.”
What the organizers want to give back Playa del Carmen with these parties is a fusion of nationalities dancing in the sand with more organic music. The party’s first anniversary was highly entertaining, with over five DJs playing for the crowd. The night was literally alight with fire performances and fireworks. Drink tickets were implemented to avoid crowds at the bar and are very much appreciated by the guests.
“It is a night where people don’t have prejudices,” continues Alberto. “They are free, without labels or ties. The idea is that this is the most comfortable moment of the month, where everyone can relax and dance under the moon.”
Canibal Royal hosts between 500 to 900 people each month during the Full Moon Party. On the evening of April 14, more than 750 expats, locals and tourists were dancing and vibrating like never before on the magical night of the full moon. The Papadiablo Bazar brings people down early to see the work of the artisans of the area. Overall, it is a great concept and a great party.