Get Your Buzz On
Whether you are recovering from a hard night or need your early morning java before your meeting, make sure to stop in at one of these local coffee shops

Sure, we have all the big coffee franchises in the area but why not support a local mom and pop coffee shop when you are craving that perfectly prepared double, extra foam, caramel macchiato or simple cup of Joe. Here are some of our recommendations to check out:
La Bendecida Coffee Boutique Check out this newly opened coffee house, with the distinctly placed commercial grade coffee roasting machine, visible from its front doors. Have an espresso, latte, iced coffee or café cacahuates (peanuts), with a slice of pie. Avenida 10 and Calle 38.
Coffee Stop This mainstay is located in the heart of Playa del Carmen. Stop by and have them whip you up a Mocha Frappe Grande Doble or Te de Frutos Rojos (with secret extras for cold relief), all at a price that won’t break the bank. Add a salmon and cream cheese bagel or a poached egg English muffin and you are set for the day. Calle 10 between Avenidas 10 & 15.
Pasta & Polpettas Although the name might insinuate a strictly Italian spaghetti joint, this tiny spot run by Ramona and Anto is also known for its Lavazza and Barbaro coffee and bomba con crema. Drive by any day and find a half dozen news‐sharing Italians sipping espressos and munching a sugar‐coated delicacy. Avenida Constituyentes north of Avenida 30.
Cafferia Sabrina another one of the Italian community’s regular haunts. Order an authentic cappuccino with a croissant, sfogliatelle or zeppole, and it will seem as if the road to heaven has been lined with pastries. Constituyentes between Avenida 10 and 15.
G & G Café and Bakery is a new addition to the Constituyentes Coffee Corridor, with a handful of tables that overlook the busy street. Ask the Argentinian owner to pour you a cuppa and have a seat at Constituyentes and Avenida 40.