Professional Dancer Alejandra Cámara Vivanco: Expression and Beauty in Motion
Alejandra Cámara Vivanco is a professional dancer who has made Playa del Carmen her home. She was some words of wisdom for those who are thinking about pursuing a life of creativity as an artist.

Alejandra Cámara Vivanco is a Playense who was born in Cancun. She is a young, creative person who dedicates her life completely to what she loves and enjoys doing most – dance.
She began dancing at the age of six, and today at the age of 20, Ale has already been part of two contemporary dance companies here in Playa. She considers these among her great achievements thus far. In addition to this she has also held various roles in the musical theatre scene.
For Ale, having the support of her parents has been fundamental to her success. “Everything I’ve accomplished, I owe to my parents,” she said. “They have always encouraged me to try out several things in order to find what I would most like to do. From the beginning, they believed and trusted me when I told them that dance was what I wanted to dedicate myself to.”
“Playa is a city brimming with opportunities for artistic growth. Today, young people in Playa del Carmen can develop their potential in the direction that they want. “
Alejandra Cámara Vivanco
Ale’s interests are not limited to dance. She is also a cultural promoter and active defender of the life and dignity of animals. She, along with her mother Rosy Vivanco whom she admires enormously, is the founder of Libros Libres (Free Books). Thanks to the many women who have inspired her, she has taken their example to do this conscientious work.
Ale has had to travel to the center of the country to become a professional dancer, but she is convinced that “Playa is a city brimming with opportunities for artistic growth. Today, young people in Playa del Carmen can develop their potential in the direction that they want.”
Ale has a message for all the girls who like dance and art in general. Contrary to what adults might say, she believes that art is a profession that can be lived.
“For young Playenses who are thinking about dedicating themselves to art or culture, my message to them is to to go for it. Really, there are many learning opportunities in Playa. If you put in the effort you will be well prepared for the world. I would tell them that it’s not impossible to make a living doing what they love, and that they should never conform. Nothing bad happens if you discover along the way that it really wasn’t what you wanted. I have always thought it is better to regret doing something than to regret not having done it at all. “